Christmas this year I loved of course. The season always warms my heart. To focus attention on the birth and life of our Savior is a happy place to be and should be done ALL year. A few activities that helped me keep the true spirit of Christmas was a lesson I prepared for Relief Society at the beginning of Dec. on the Reality of Christ. There is much in this world that tries to tell us Christ isn't real, that his life doesn't matter, but Christ is the reason we all are here and He indeed is REAL. Another small activity was treats. This Christmas I made peppermint truffles for the first time (a favorite of mine) and instead of only taking them to friends and family I took them to my neighbors. I got to meet a few that I haven't been able to meet and actually had one neighbor come over to return a treat and talk for a little while. It was sweet kinship type of feeling. The event I think loved most this year was finally getting to meet my nephew baby Rivers. My sister Kari and her husband Kirk have been living in Virginia for Kirks military training and came for Christmas this year. I have missed them.
Barry spent some extra time with his family this year for Christmas eve. One of his brothers and sister and their families are moving far away soon and this was the last year to get most of his family together. So I drove up with Kirk, Kari and Rivers on Thursday to spend the afternoon with my Mom for her Birthday while Barry stayed. We met up with my sister Tami in Pinetop. She treated us girls to fabulous all inclusive pedicures!!! It had been almost 3 years since I had had a pedicure and my moms -GET THIS LADIES- FIRST EVER pedi., so it was a treat to say the least. Thanks Tammers. side note- Every year I forget how COLD the mountains are. Holy moly c.o.l.d. I have certainly acclimated to the mild weather of the valley thats for sure. It was fun to bundle up though. After pedicures we all went and ate dinner at the BEST hole-in-the-wall Chineese restaurant!! Oh man the Lo Mein was to die for along with the Curry and, well, every dish was pretty savory! So, at this place you basically order the rice, lo mein, and main dishes and share. They had this big lazy susan in the center of the table where you put all the food and load your plate up. We had the sweetest server who just loved Blake and Rivers (the two babies) she kept saying with an obvious Asian accent "ohh, they so cute" and would coo at them every time she came to the table. Loved it. We then attempted to go bowling, and in the thriving metropolis of Pinetop AZ all the lanes where full...haahaa! so back at Tami and Rynes, Mom opened presents and we ate the wonderful "almost too much chocolate" cake Tami made. yumm!

Oh boy, oh boy! These two little boys were certainly one highlight of my Christmas this year. Blake and Rivers were so fun to snuggle and play with.
In my home town of Eagar AZ we spent Christmas. On Christmas eve my Mom made the traditional Mexican food but this year make sweet pork tacos!! delish. We had a special evening with Kirk playing some Christmas tunes on the guitar and singing, reading some great Christmas stories, and sharing stories relating to what Christmas means to us. My Dad encouraged us to all think of a gift we wanted to give the Savior, something like a vice, bad habit, or a positive goal. Barry and got to end the night together at least he got into town around 10pm. We watched Bret and Becki put together Londons cute kitchen and off to bed we went. Christmas day was fabulous. I loved watching Kingston and London open all their toys. I was excited that Barry got me a new camera (mine received a bit of water damage after a dunk in a glass of water so most of my pics i have been stealing from my Mom's camera.) I think Barry wants me in the kitchen more... he got me a ice cream maker, and a kitchen aid haahaaa. I am actually stoked!! Thanks babe!! On Christmas day I was actually most excited to give my sister their gift. I got them cute necklaces and to go with them I wrote a poem about sisters.
Mom and Dad gave all us kids special photos of my grandparents. Great, meaningful gift.
Yes, that is my sister Tami in her awesome footed front zip adult onesie!
We had so much fun playing with my niece and nephews. I love Mr. Kingston's cute personality! One story I don't want to forget is one morning I had been up with Kingston and London, I fed them breakfast and was playing for a bit. I told Kingston I had to go get in the shower. So off I went. The next thing I know, Kingston barges into the bathroom with London right behind, "Aunt Yisa I, scared" and proceeds to throw open the shower curtain, (do not worry I was quick to cover) After explaining that it was ok....etc I sent them on there way. Not but a few minutes later when I thought I was alone and it had been quiet for a good while, i hear a grunting, yes, my nephew had very quietly come back in to do his duty! I was laughing so hard. What can I say he's comfortable around his Aunt Yisa.
Over all Christmas was wonderful. I loved playing games especially the sock game Ryne taught us. VERY fun and rambunctious. I loved all Moms good food. I really loved my new discovery of mint cookies straws in your hot chocolate-thanks Becki. The weird thing about Christmas this year was HOW SHORT it felt. Maybe because it was on a Saturday? It was so hard to have to go back to work on Monday. yuck. I did not want to.