Friday, April 9, 2010

I forgot to mention...

A little while ago one of my favorite friends Kiri made a surprise visit to AZ!! I had not seen her in a few years so it was real fun to see her face again oh, and meet her son Jacob (I was there when Adalyn was born) We were the "original roommates" at the Silk Oak house for years where we had lots of good times. She is one of those great friends where you can just pick right back up where you left off and feel like you didn't miss a beat. and she's a HOTT mom!! I sure love her!! She and her kiddos came for FHE. Along with pizza, song and lesson, we were mostly entertained by Adalyn who is seriously my favorite 3 year old in the world. She is sooooo smart clever and witty NOT KIDDING. She talks a million miles per hour and is very articulate. Thanks for coming to visit Kiri!!

1 comment:

mommy said...

Aw, thanks Lisa! I loved seeing your place and meeting Barry. He is one lucky guy. I miss you so much!