Sunday, April 25, 2010

61 years and counting

On Saturday my family celebrated my Nanna and Pomps' 61st wedding anniversary!! My Mom and her sister, my aunt Sonja put together a nice tribute to them. We spent time reflecting upon their lives together. The start, ups downs and how they came to know of the gospel. Talk about two people in love!! From the moment my Pomp laid eyes on my Nanna he was smitten to say the least. His heart belongs to his sweet lips. I love these two people so much.


Shelley said...

It was a fun night, the only thing that would have made it better was to have EVERYONE there. We are all so lucky to have Nanna & Pomp still in our lives! Lets don't waste any opportunity to let them know how much we love them!!

Kari said...

Fun! Wish I couldn've made it. They are so precious and inspirational.

mommy said...

so cute.