Saturday, September 4, 2010

My little adventure with a RAOK

Random Act Of Kindness.
My sister in law Becki  inspired me to take some time and be KIND to others. So I I took a few hours out of my Saturday and this is what transpired:
It began with my love of chocolate. Next with the reality that I do not know (did not know) a single one of my neighbors.  So I though I'd introduce Barry and I to our neighbors by taking them some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies with a little "Hello" note attached.  I bagged up my goods and ventured  out to seek that which seems to be lost,  friendly neighborly  banter. I was happy to meet a few of my neighbors.  Some people chose not to answer their doors, others barely cracked it.   Others invited me in and introduced themselves to me.  Sometimes it was super awkward. I had very suspicious takers. . . "are these poisoned? Why else would someone make cookies for people they don't know? Should I take them?" In the end I was able to give all my cookies away. I think it a good place to start and I plan on doing it again soon.  I felt happy and I think the people who got cookies felt a twinge of kindness in their day, at least I hope so.  Try it! surprise people.


emily said...

I was inspired by Becki's idea too! I love this idea and as soon as I have some time I want to do the same. Such a good idea. Thanks for sharing! Love.

mommy said...

so cute! i miss you!

Bret said...

Hey, you should've brought me some of those cookies. I would've invited you in and gotten to know you better.

Jen said...

I have wanted to do that in our new neighborhood, but have worried that people would think I was trying to poison them!! FUNNY! Good job, Lisa! You're just a ray of sunshine. Keep up the GREAT work! XO