Sunday, May 17, 2009

I wish I could just elope.........

Girls are suppossed to have fun doing all this wedding stuff. right?? Well I guess I am odd because I don't like it at all. I guess the main reason I don't like it is because everything costs so much money. $ $ $ $ and I don't have a whole lot of it. I am trying to be as conservative as I can be. It is hard. My taste tend to exceed my budget. hummmmm.......... I just have to remember that it will all be beautifull and in the end it doesn't really matter--- though I am just too prideful to not care at all. yes I admitt it. I am prideful . I sometimes care about what people may think. I am working on this.

I am ready for June 7th to be here, cuz that means It all came together, turned out , and was just fine-- like people keep telling me will happen!!

Hind sight is 20/20 cuz we should'a eloped FOR SURE!!

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