Thursday, July 9, 2009

FHE with B&B

acutest chubby cheeks in the world

I hand squeezed this lemonade and thought it was so pretty with fresh strawberrys. yummm

1- homemade pizza dough
2- homemade sause
3- not homemade cheese
4 toppings
5- whaaa laaa

So Barry and I had our first official married FAMILY home evening not single people home evening. So we invited Bret and Becki over. We made homemade pizza, Barry gave the lesson on self reliance (always a great topic for the the crosby fam) and then we decided to play ghetto-opoly. Yes, it is a real version of monopoly. Quite funny, kina crude. We laughed and it lasted into the early morning hours. So not bad for numero uno FHE.


Stephanie said...

Congrats Lisa!! I'm excited to see your blog!! You two look so great together! :)

Bret said...

Thx for having us over sis. Glad we could be part of your 1st married couple FHE!

Josh and Megan said...

HOW FUN! The food looks yummy! Can we come next time?

becki said...

Yah, all of those brown hotels are MINE! hahahaha

Brenden+Nikki said...

Hey!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you found my blog! Congrats on getting married! You look beautiful (of course ;p) and you guys are seriously a great looking couple! I'm adding you to my list so that I can keep track of ya! (oh and congrats on finishing school too! I remember when you first started that program! Do you realize we've known each other now for over 5 years?) yay! Love ya!