Sunday, August 2, 2009

What to do, what to do??

My birthday is TOMORROW!! I almost forgot for realsies. So I haven't really planned much (thats Barry's job anyways right??).
WHAT DOES a married person do for her birthday?? EH??

I begged Barry for a pedicure. -I didn't get a pedicure for TWO years while i was in school (so do i feel deserving? yes.)


8-3-83 @ 8:30 that is a true story. My dad predicted my birth. When my Mom first was pregnant with me he called it. He said "It's gonna be a little girl and she's gonna be born on AUG the 3rd." and I WAS. He is pretty psychic!!

I'm pretty darn glad I was born.


Dad said...

Happy Birthday to my first little girl that I predicted would be born on Aug 3rd and sure enough she was!! I am so glad and you are a special girl and have brought much joy to our lives(and a little worry and concern at times) Only because of your accidents , Love you lots. Dad

Tami said...

Awe birthday girl tomorrow! YAY! Here is a list of ideas I would do if I were you:
go skydiving, eat twenty six scoops of ice cream, do twenty six jumping jacks, wear your favorite shirt, take an extra long shower, go get a massage, reflect on your birth and the years that have since proceeded it. hmmm that is all I can think of.. I do have some ideas for Barry if he is interested though:)
I too am glad you were born.

Bret said...

Hey Lis- wow you're 26! Unbelievable. One thing that Becki and I do since we're all married an stuff is just go out to eat with friends. Happy Birthday!

Bret said...

Hey Lis- wow you're 26! Unbelievable. One thing that Becki and I do since we're all married an stuff is just go out to eat with friends. Happy Birthday!

Rylee said...

i'm glad you were born too! after looking at the present you made for barry he has a lot of work cut out for him for your big day! hope its a great day lis!