Saturday, October 3, 2009

The good 'ole days of the Provinces Dental Care

Lately I have had a lot on my mind, particularly about my job I had for 3+ years at the Provinces Dental Care. This place holds great meaning to me. I grew so much over the years I worked there. I shared some of my roughest times and best times with the people I met there. My Aunt Paula got me on and taught me all I know about assisting. It didn't take long before Ann this firecracker spunky energetic full time hygienist and I became "like sisters" and she is the older sister I never had. There is Karen beautiful blond who is always kind and good for a word of encouragement, then Monica and her big brown eyes and latino attitude form L.A. always keeps me laughing with her stories and wit. Wendy was like a ray of sunshine every Wednesday she would work. Yvonne my personal physical therapist and front desk pal helped me get back on my feet when I shattered my ankle. Tiff-a-rooni my Chinese (wink wink she's mexican) pal, always with a new pair of shoes and cutest hair. I met lifetime friends that I love dearly. Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Poelman were the greatest bosses who always treated us the BEST! We were like family.. I was inspired to go to Dental Hygiene school because of my job as an assistant but it wasn't an easy choice to make because I was 100% happy and content. It was hard to let go of my place at the Provinces. A LOT changed when I was in school for two year. And NOW It feels like that refuge I used to cling to is crumbling away. New ownership came and with that lots of new "ideas" were introduced. Well, recently Ann the greatest hygienist I know, got "let go" after she dedicated 5+ years to the Provinces. She did anything for them, upped her hours, came in on weekends and at last min notice. She had no warning or notices. She is a single mother of 2 girls with a mortgage and bills. They gave her no reason other than "we are moving in a different direction." I was shocked, disgusted, disappointed, at such a tasteless decision on the part of people I used to look up to. I can't imagine how hard it has been on Ann these past couple days. It breaks my heart. I feel betrayed.

Anyway... Here is a reflection of my happy memories at the Provinces:

Ann (Matilda) and Me (Gretchen) Nerd Day

US PUNK ROCKERS scared Dr. Poelman
Halloween Work Party: Wendy the pirate and me the dark angel
Halloween Day AT the provinces, yes, I wore that all day!! Rocket girl's come back!! Yvonne and Tiffanie
Team building day at Laser Tag!!
Pageant Day: Ann, Karen, Moni, Aunt Paula
We LOVED beading!! Here we are beading at Ann's house
Ann's 30th Birthday!! wink wink
My Summer Squash Moni and I
Karen, Ann Me
Me assisting Dr. Poelman
Cowgirl day with Dr. Jenkins
Howdy there partner!
Christmas Party!!
Ann and I baked up some "Provinces Pie". GOOD TIMES!!

1 comment:

mommy said...

Sad! Sometimes it's so hard to understand why things like that happen. I hope she is doing okay and that she finds someplace better to work.