Sunday, January 10, 2010

A happy, honest post

ALRIGHT, BATTER UP! Here goes my debut of "tag, you're it!" posts

I really don't think I can come close to topping Tami's amazing post but, here I am:

10 random things that make me HAPPY

There is so much about life that makes me happy here are some that were on my mind most recently:

#1. Picture this, or if you have a horrible imagination or if my descriptions are lacking, I will add the imagery for you, hot sun shining down upon your face, bluish greenish water all around you, wind whipping your hair around and the bounce from the boat cutting through the waves. Now add some fun music, bathing suits, sweet wake boarding tricks, tubing, and a leather interior cushion on your behind. AHHH, there, now i'm in a very happy place. The lake and summer time are very good times.#2. I am happy when I replay in my mind a favorite memory of mine of my roommate Jen and I. We were cruise'n the streets of Mesa, blasting a little JT enjoying one of our many fun nights being single together, when the car dancing began. Anything went and you didn't cease dancing at a stop light though others could see. Car dancing makes me happy. It is unfortunate that I do not have a photographic representation of this memory.

#3. Clean. Cleanliness in general puts a smile on my face. The lines in the floor from the vacuum, the smell of fresh sheets, the crisp lines of a well made bed, and organized desk (an orgnaized anything for that matter), folded towels, clean people, clean teeth, fresh breath, fresh air, clean nose. BE CLEAN, breath clean, see clean uhhhmmmmm!

#4. My husbands laugh. I always try to replicate it and its a little difficult to pin down. He is a happy guy and enjoys the funny things of life (that's why he married me, wink). It is great. I love it. If you've heard it you will agree.

#5. Joseph Smith. Wow. The persecution he endured, the trials he faced, the faith, the unwavering testimony, the leadership, and strength of this man is truly awesome. I smile knowing a man like him exists. What a stud. I can't wait to shake his hand. #6. Eating. I love good food. Snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizer, dessert, second breakfast, 2nds, main course, I rarely miss a meal in any of the above forms. Dinner is also a time I get to spend with my husband after he gets off work and I have missed him all day. There are many reasons eating makes me happy. Any occasion is better with food. true. My typical favorite times involve a meal with family and friends surrounding me.

#7. My Shows. HGTV - Color Splash with David Bromstad. He is my favorite designer. His creative abilities are so wonderful. I love feeling inspired to make something better. HGTV is just good pg TV with a lot of really talented people on it. I have always been into it. When my roommates were watching Americas next top model I was watching home and garden television. dork. AND SYTYCD!! So you think you can dance. Talented people make me happy. I'm totally into it.

#8. My Nanna and Pomp! Oh how they make me happy. They are so sweet. I love them. I love my Pomp's stories of how he fell in love with Nanna, his sweet lips. Their lives together is honestly very romantic, passionate, and dramatic- and would make the best movie. It helps that they look like movie stars to. They are the best grandparents who have always been there for me.

9. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I can obtain lasting happiness through its teachings. The Gospel of Jesus Christ endures into the eternities and by obedience to the commandments and counsels I can have peace and joy in my life through hardship and trial. I am happy because I have the truth.

10.When my husband comes up behind me wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. A simple pleasure. I like it.

10 Honest things about myself.

#1. I hate shopping. honestly. I like getting new things, but HATE shopping. I endure shopping because I like new things its a love hate relationship. Shopping is a lot more tolerable WITH someone.

#2. My indecisiveness drives me (and others) crazy. My inability to come to a rational choice in a certain amount of time truly affects my life. I waste a lot of time with worry that I won't make the best choice. It creates a lot of unnecessary anxiety. I wish there was a cure for my tendency.

#3. I am honestly not ready for a children. I know I want them at some point, but it is not right now. I like my life just the way it is for now. I just have a feeling that there are more great lessons I need to learn and character flaws I like to change before I am put in charge of another human life.

#4. I LOVE custom homes. I drive around fancy neighborhoods and go to open houses just to look at them. I also have a whole folder on my computer dedicated to ideas for my custom home. Someday I will build a custom home, at least I really really want to, that is.

#5. I think I am such a control freak because I sometime feel as though I am out of control of my OWN life, so if I can control others lives (my husbands- sorry babe) it gives me that false sense of control I might be lacking in my own life. Or i just might think my way is honesty better.

#6. I dance and sing to really loud music at home when I am alone. In fact, speaking of loud, I watch TV really loud and sometimes sit 4 feet away from the screen (even though it is 52") too.

#7. I honestly didn't think it would be so darn hard to find a job after I graduated from dental hygiene school and its pretty depressing. The way I used to see my life before I went to school is a whole lot different than my reality now. I feel pretty worthless some days.

#8. I am a secret admirer of people with really good style. I pretend that I can look that good too, but always feel a little off. I wish someone with excellent fashion sense would take me shopping and show me exactly what to buy- no for reals that would be RAD.

#9. I really want to create another occasion where I can wear my wedding dress again in public and not be weird for doing it. I just loved my dress and its a shame that such a beautiful thing has to sit in a bag until it goes out of style.

#10. 100% truth. and this one might surprise some. I have gained an affection for English bull dogs. I think the are the so cute in a short, fat, droopy and ugly kind of endearing way. Its the only dog I would ever consider actually owning.



Nick & Kristen said...

LISA! You can have your dress altered into a cocktail dress. A lady I used to babysit for did it and it was amazing...she wore it every anniversary. Also....if you had a can use some of it for your daughters blessing outfit. Don't just put it away!!!

Barry Keime said...

for the same reason she loves english bull dogs she loves me.

Tami said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your post! You are so wonderful and I am proud to be your little sister! I am quite surprised about the bull dog haha! They are pretty cute though!

Shelley said...

Lisa dear, I read your post and then forgot to comment, I guess because I was laughing so hard from Barry's comment. He is so witty and funny! I am always amazed to read the things you say, you are clever and very creative in your writing and it makes reading your blog very fun. I loved reading about the things that make you happy, and I'm so glad that you are happy, that makes me happy too!

emily said...

I just loved this. Your TAGGED me?? GULP.....Hee Hee uh oh

emily said...

oh p.s i cant agree with you more on cleanliness, HGTV, and i do the same with custom homes. Its so retarded but im obsessed. ill get working on this. This may take me a while. Yikes

Anonymous said...
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britney said...

i LOVED your honesty on all 10. I have to say i am the same way on about 7 of them. I remember going shopping w/ you at the mall once, and i longed to be your shopping buddy cuz you are always so cute. I HATE shopping too. I would almost rather look frumpy than goin shopping, especially by myself. ps - at least you still look HOT in your swimsuit. I gotta hit the gym up!

Anonymous said...

I am final, I am sorry, it not a right answer. Who else, what can prompt?

Anonymous said...

It is not necessary to try all successively

Anonymous said...

The plant's root is used in traditional herbal supplements to increase testosterone levels in men. The herb contains ethalonic essence, which improves the work of chorionic gonadotropin, which in turn helps increasing testosterone levels. Higher testosterone around the male sizegenetics triggers an increase of muscle mass, stronger sizegenetics, better sexual performance, lesser sizegenetics fat, increased sizegenetics metabolism, lessened stress, and improved brain function and memory.No, it is far from only young guys within his or her twenties who long to experience a bigger penis. Men of all ages are secretly asking themselves: How can I be making my penis bigger?.

Anonymous said...

Please don鈥檛 repeat the myth that the 鈥渢op 8鈥?account for 90% of all food allergies. That list accounts for 90% of IgE allergies diagnosed formally in the US. It is similar but not quite the same in other countries and it does not account for other true allergies like IgG, or does it account for non-allergic reactions that aren鈥檛 true allergies (don鈥檛 be fooled; they can be deadly too).