Saturday, February 13, 2010

Right before my eyes

Today I was driving back home from costo. I was at the stoplight going east at the intersection of Ray and Higley Road. The light turned green. I proceeded to cross the intersection when I saw a dark haired dude in a small black Acura BLUR past in front of me. He managed to make it past the east bound traffic but was not so lucky getting thought the west bound cars and was T-boned by a truck!!! If he would have been 3 seconds faster it would have been ME. I SAW it all happen !BAM! right in front of me. The crash was SO LOUD! the Acura spun, knock down a street light and ended up in the ditch just south of fresh and easy. I was freaking out! It happened so fast. I didn't know what to do. I decided to drive around to the scene and see if everyone was alright. I ended up having to give a statement of what I saw to the police. I saw the dude get taken out of the car and loaded up into the ambulance. NUTS.
ARIZONA-- stop texting, stop talking on the phone, while driving!! pay attention and STOP RUNNING RED LIGHTS! FOR REALS


mommy said...

holy cow! so glad it wasn't you!

Kukustweety said...

Oh Lisa, that had to have been scary for you. I am glad you are okay. --LeeAnn