Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A breath of fresh air

It was sure nice to get out of the heat and enjoy the cool of the mountains.

Mark and Holly had a week to spend on vacation and we loved hanging out with them and their kiddos!! This is one of the last times we will get to see them before they move to Florida. We loved having them stay at our house too.

Over the weekend in Eagar we, of course, ate a lot of Moms good cooking, played sequence and 5 crowns where we let Dad and Barry win, played with Kaemon, Milea, Zallen, Kingston and London: collected eggs, picked green beans, tomatoes, squash and cucumbers from Dads awesome garden, held the baby chicks (dad hatched), saw the goat and moo cow, built marble tracks, ran around on the big lawn, ate popcorn, race cars, and watched movies. Chad, once again, is the best baby sitter!! hoot hoot!!

On Saturday Barry, I, Bret and Becki went on a great four wheeling ride! It drizzled on us a bit and was muddy, but the mountain air in my lungs was oh so very refreshing!! We had a lot of fun!

Here we are all loaded up on ready to roll- Barry in his awesome poncho!


Later that evening we watched THE BYU game!! Yes, they WON!! 14, 13!! It was so fun to watch. Dad was so excited/nervous he was pacing behind the couches! Let the speculations begin...


Rusten,Danae & Munchkins said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! We need to get together one of these weekends, when you don't have anything planned. Just let us know! BTW we're blessing Della on the 27th, hope you guys can make it. Have a great week!!

mommy said...

How fun!

Jenifer said...

We were up there too! We were going to go camping but got rained out. We settled for a beautiful drive and a picnic at the park. It looks like you guys had fun 4-wheeling in the rain. :)

Jen said...

That little look-out place you were at looks just like one we drive up to on D's parent's quads in Clay Springs. Where were you guys?