Sunday, August 28, 2011

I am an addict.

Hi my name is Lisa and I'm addicted to crossfit.  Welcome, Lisa to a new world of health.
This is my gym!!

My brother Mark gave me probably the best gift in the world. He bought Bret and I a two month membership to a training program/gym called crossfit. I was really intimidated to start. I had never, I mean NEVER worked out in a gym prior. Not even a high school weights class. So I did not have a clue about gym lingo or what to even do. But I started going and I have gone pretty much every day of the work week since. Crossfit also encourages balanced eating called the Zone eating program. The Zone excludes processed sugars and processed flour. So I have been working really hard to  X out sugar and white flour out of my diet and must say I am doing pretty well. I do have a cheat day ONE day a week so I can rid my house of the sugar that was already in it. I should just throw it all away. PEOPLE SUGAR IS SOOO INCREDIBLE BAD FOR YOU! I know, I know I have loved it too. It tastes so good. but read for yourself. You will not find an article out that that says it is doing your body an ounce of good. It makes me ill (literally and figuratively) to think I hadn't really ever monitored the sugar I ate. I have made it a new hobby to cook differently and I love it.  Anyway off my soap box, I love that I have a personal trainer EVERYDAY. They take me through each workout and push me. The first week I worked out I came home and puked twice. The workouts are intense and challenging and I am surprising myself as to what I can do. TIME DOWN, POWER UP!! WHOOT WHOOT!! Thanks Mark for allowing me to find a means to health.  love ya!
My first muscle! haahaa. Working out actually WORKS!


Josh and Megan said...

I think you should cut out salt as well. It really expands your waste line :) Love you!

Lisa said...

Megan that is so funny. Good times. That reminds me of SUU so much.

Kari said...

So proud of you Lis. Way to be dedicated! It is amazing how much better you feel making those changes, isn't it? Hope things continue to go uphill for you! Love you mucho.

Mark said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love it when others become addicted like me. So glad you're enjoying your gift. I had a feeling you'd dig Crossfit. Did you know they have CrossFit Kids gyms? I think you would rock as a CrossFit Kids instructor. You should look into it...or you could be an instructor at my Crossfit gym when I open one up:)

Tami said...

Way to go! You inspire me! I have started a little crossfit at home (I found a daily workout online) and it is HARD! I don't even have some one there pushing me and I do the beginner, but is is fun and it does feel good to do something healthy for my body! I bet you are so buff.

Shelley said...

Way to go! You are doing it!! I have got to get motivated!